Modern Man

Modern Man

She built her life around him.

Adapting to city streets, with hidden treasures

To country clubs, with empty pleasures

To people enthralled, by gossip and spite

And those who thought, themselves always right

She was sad for those, who spent life consuming

Looking for joy, confidently presuming

That money and toys, could fill-up their soul

But the empty bores through it, just like a mole 

She heard justifications, so many provide 

Claiming their work has a positive side

Contributions to the world, they want to applaud

Without acknowledging the system is so very flawed

Because it is built around the belief

That consumption is not a fatal beast

Destroying mother nature, with every big size

Ignoring global warming, and the growing high tides 

She wanted to change how they would live

To stop consuming, instead always give 

Back to the world, so frail and dying

If only we could, all, start trying

To understand our duty to work and repair 

Nature, her soil, oh how she needs our care.

We must work to mend the damage done

But in the end, the job starts with just one 

She chose one day to change in her ways 

And tried to wake him, from the haze

She pushed him to a place away and beyond

All the frogs, posing in their small pond

Where they could learn, and share in the work

Give and help others, lost in the murk 

Regenerating the earth, through acts that repair 

A love full of hope, and not despair.

But he wouldn’t wake up

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